ملجأ العامرية Amriya Shelter

ملجأ العامرية أو الفردوس أو رقم خمسة وعشرين هو ملجأ من القصف جوي بحي العامرية، بغداد، العراق، قصف أثناء حرب الخليج الثانية. فقد ادت احدى الغارات الاميركية يوم 13 فبراير 1991 على بغداد بواسطة طائرتان من نوع أف-117 تحمل قنابل ذكية إلى تدمير ملجأ مما ادى لمقتل أكثر من 400 مدني عراقي من نساء واطفال. وقد بررت قوات التحالف هذا القصف بانه كان يستهدف مراكز قيادية عراقية لكن اثبتت الاحداث ان تدمير الملجا كان متعمدا خاصة وان الطائرات الاميركية ظلت تحوم فوقه لمدة يومين
The Amiriyah shelter or Al-Firdos bunker was an air-raid shelter ("Public Shelter No. 25") in the Amiriyah neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq. The shelter was used in the Iran–Iraq War and the Gulf War by hundreds of civilians. It was destroyed by the USAF with two laser-guided "smart bombs" on 13 February 1991 during the Gulf War, killing more than 408 civilians.

السبت، 21 مايو 2011

المذيع العراقي مقداد مراد ووفاته إثر مرض ألم به بعد قصف ملجأ العامرية announcer Mikdad Morad

The announcer Mikdad Morad, who usually reads statements from Saddam, in Iran-Iraq war 1980-1988, in golf war 1990-1991, and the famous statement was on the great victory 8/8/1988.
He died from a strange disease in 1992 after  the bombing of Amiriya shelter.

 مقداد مراد

مقداد مراد مذيع تلفزيوني عراقي راحل كان يمتاز بنبرة صوت مميزة و قوية.

عمله في التلفزيون

كان مقداد مراد يعتبر أفضل مذيع تلفزيوني يقدم نشرات الأخبار وكان إدارة التلفزيون العراقي يكلفه دائما بقراءة و إذاعة الأخبار الهامة خاصة إثناء فترة الحرب العراقية الإيرانيةفي ثمانينات القرن الماضي كما كان يعلق على فقرة صور من المعركة والتي كانت تعرض على شاشة تلفزيون العراق أثناء الحرب .


توفي عام 1992 بعد حرب الخليج الأولى أثر إصابته بمرض ألم به أثناء قصف ملجأ العامرية .

وجاء في شهادة د . ميسون البياتي عن الحرب التي ذكرناها سابقاً هنا
"بعد أقل من عام مات أخي وزميلي وصديقي مقداد مراد، بعد صراع مرير مع المرض الخبيث الذي ظهرت عليه أعراضه بعد أسبوع واحد من قصف ملجأ العامرية .. حيف على ذلك الشباب والوسامة يا أبو ديار يضمك قبر .. وتبقى الحياة للناس العار . 

بعد عدة أشهر من رحيل أبو ديار .. لحقه أخي وزميلي وصديقي الآخر رشدي عبد الصاحب .. غادرنا أبو وسام ، كواحد من خسائر الحرب غير المنظورة ، بعد أن أمضى عمره كله في الإذاعة ، كنا نعده عمدة التلفزيون .. والآن راح العمدة ."

ويذكر ان مقداد مُراد هو من أذاع بيان البيانات بيان يوم النصر العظيم 8-8-1988

Since the start of the Persian Gulf crisis, Saddam's messages have been read by a veteran Iraqi announcer, Mikdad Morad, on state television and radio, and not by the Iraqi leader himself.
Published: September 17, 1990 Nytimes
Immediately after his remarks, Iraqi television broadcast a rebuttal from an official spokesman, Mikdad Morad, who called President Bush a liar. He accused Mr. Bush of seeking to ''defile the Muslim holy places'' by sending American troops to Saudi Arabia and said that Washington was working in concert with Israel against the Arab people.

Antenne 2 annonce que l'Irak se retire du Koweït...
La chaîne de télévision Antenne 2 (aujourd'hui France 2) annonce à 11h50 GMT que l'Irak accepte "sans condition" le retrait du Koweït, le correspondant de la chaîne à Washington en informe même la Maison Blanche. Fière d'annoncer avant CNN la fin de la guerre du Golfe, la chaîne française est bientôt suivie par la chaîne britannique BBC qui reprend cette information, provoquant l'interruption des débats à la Chambre des Communes, une hausse de 20 points à la Bourse de Londres, de 1,43% à celle de Paris et une baisse du prix du pétrole. La télévision israélienne interrompt ses programmes, les Saoudiens sont soulagés. A Bagdad, le correspondant du quotidien espagnol El Mundo constate une euphorie dans les rues : les youyous se mêlent aux concerts de klaxons. Mais "lorsque Migdad Murad (présentateur de Radio-Bagdad) commence à égrener la longue liste des conditions, la joie s'est évanouie peu à peu". De nombreuses personnes pensent que l'Irak craint une utilisation par les USA de bombes à neutrons (petites bombes nucléaires), ou de bombes FAE (Fuel Air Explosive), plus communément appelées bombes "à effet de souffle". Ces bombes ont la particularité de provoquer un nuage brûlant tout l'oxygène sur plusieurs centaines de m², ne laissant ainsi aucune chance à tous les êtres vivants se trouvant sur place. Ce qui expliquerait entre autres cette proposition irakienne qui surprend l'Occident...

George Bush,

66, amerikanischer Präsident, findet auch in schweren Zeiten immer mal wieder Gelegenheit für einen Scherz. Vor Reportern versuchte der Präsident eine gewisse Unbeholfenheit seines stets in zerknautschten Anzügen auftretenden Sprechers Marlin Fitzwater, 47, zu erklären, indem er ihn mit dem modebewußten Sprecher des irakischen Präsidenten Saddam Hussein, Mikdad Murad, verglich, der dunkle Anzüge mit messerscharfer Bügelfalte bevorzugt. "Marlin ist etwas niedergeschlagen", so der US-Präsident auf seiner Pressekonferenz, "weil der irakische Sprecher eine modische Krawatte samt passendem Einstecktuch trägt; das macht Marlin etwas schwierig."


الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

Kathy's visit to Amiriyah shelter in 12-2-1998

  These are the children of Iraq

Dhuha and her mother Dhuha means "sunrise" Dhuha suffered from leukemia with no medical supplies to treat her


Khalid and his mother Khalid means "eternal" He suffered from Neuroblastoma.  Died Aug. 1997


Zahra 7 months old. Nutritional marasmus and very close to death. Feb. 1998


Nassar, age 1 Severe malnutrition.  Weight: 9.47 lb.  Ideal weight: 22 lb.


Earlier this month, several members of the Iraq Sanctions Challenge stood at the bedside of Mustafa, one of at least a dozen dying children in a crowded, wretched ward of the 
main hospital in Basra, Iraq's southern port city. His mother, tall, thin and quite beautiful, sat cross legged on the mattress beside him, waving away flies, as the doctor explained to us that the child, hospitalized for the past twenty days, now suffered from dehydration, diarrhea, acute renal failure and extensive brain atrophy.


Tragically, there are thousands more children suffering and dying because of trade sanctions.

Just one month ago, US/ UK bombardment of Iraq seemed almost inevitable. Even though    the most comprehensive economic sanctions ever inflicted in modern history have already crippled Iraq, slaughtering over 1/2 million      children under age 5, the US and the UK were    poised for further assault. Today, the US still threatens air attacks upon Iraq, massive  strikes that would heap more agony on    civilians who've endured a seven year state of siege.

February 12, 1998:  Report from Voices in the Wilderness, Baghdad, Iraq, by Kathy Kelly Today is the day when many thousands of people across Baghdad are conscious that it is the seventh year since two astonishingly smart bombs penetrated the ventilation system of the Amiriyah shelter. All of the people huddled inside, at least 500 civilians, who had sought a safe night of shelter, were melted.

"From previous trips, we knew exactly where to find overwhelming evidence of a weapon of  mass destruction. Inspectors have only to enter   the wards of any hospital in Iraq to see that   the sanctions themselves are a lethal weapon,   destroying the lives of Iraq's most vulnerable people. In children's wards, tiny victims writhe in pain, on blood-stained mats, bereft of anesthetics and antibiotics. Thousands of children, poisoned by contaminated water, die from dysentery, cholera, and diarrhea. Others  succumb to respiratory infections that become     fatal full body infections. Five thousand children, under age five, perish each month." -Kathy Kelly, March 9, 1998


YOU CAN HELP by writing your governmental representatives and supporting Voices in the Wilderness' brave actions to bring medical supplies to these beautiful children, the innocent victims of war and politics.

Pictures of Iraqi children by Chuck Quilty and journals of visitors to Iraq from Voices in the Wilderness


الخميس، 5 مايو 2011

The 400 Souls in Amiriya Shelter

Dahr Jamil
12/26/03: (ICH)
 The Amiriya Bomb Shelter in western Baghdad is a reinforced concrete building that sheltered up to 1,000 civilians throughout the first Gulf War. The walls are several feet thick, designed specifically to withstand the blast of many types of bombs. It was always regarded as a safe haven for the civilians in the area. Each time the air raid sirens of Baghdad sounded, women and children, sometimes complete families, would seek shelter within its walls.

The Coalition waging war on Iraq had the coordinates to the shelter, along with the acknowledgement that it was simply a shelter for civilians.
On February 13, 1991 at 4 in the morning it was hit by two American bombs, which incinerated the building, including all but ten of the 400 women and children seeking refuge inside of it.

People in the community today tell the horrible tale of the two bombs. They believed they were designed
specifically to carry out the slaughter. The first gave off a terrible high pitched whine as it spiraled its way into the reinforced ceiling, creating an entrance for the second bomb, which entered immediately behind the first, releasing the instant incineration of all those inside. It turned their safe haven into a fiery inferno for the group comprised primarily of women and children.

Materially, all that is left inside are a selection of remaining pictures of the victims, scattered flowers, and a darkened hall with the palpable feeling of a deep, heavy sadness. The weight of the air presses in from all around. It is a deep silence, left dark by looters who made off with the lighting fixtures, which would work only intermittently at best even if they were there, as this area of Baghdad, like so many others, remains without electricity for much of the day.

The hole in the ceiling remains completely intact, the implosion from the bombs entrance a sick blossoming of metal bars like twisted petals from a tortured flower of death. Steel plating of the ceiling is frozen from that terrible moment, literally peeled back from the blast and hanging in air. The crater inside the first floor is blown through revealing the darkened basement below.


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