ملجأ العامرية Amriya Shelter

ملجأ العامرية أو الفردوس أو رقم خمسة وعشرين هو ملجأ من القصف جوي بحي العامرية، بغداد، العراق، قصف أثناء حرب الخليج الثانية. فقد ادت احدى الغارات الاميركية يوم 13 فبراير 1991 على بغداد بواسطة طائرتان من نوع أف-117 تحمل قنابل ذكية إلى تدمير ملجأ مما ادى لمقتل أكثر من 400 مدني عراقي من نساء واطفال. وقد بررت قوات التحالف هذا القصف بانه كان يستهدف مراكز قيادية عراقية لكن اثبتت الاحداث ان تدمير الملجا كان متعمدا خاصة وان الطائرات الاميركية ظلت تحوم فوقه لمدة يومين
The Amiriyah shelter or Al-Firdos bunker was an air-raid shelter ("Public Shelter No. 25") in the Amiriyah neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq. The shelter was used in the Iran–Iraq War and the Gulf War by hundreds of civilians. It was destroyed by the USAF with two laser-guided "smart bombs" on 13 February 1991 during the Gulf War, killing more than 408 civilians.

الخميس، 23 سبتمبر 2010

400 شهيد عراقي + 400 مليون دولار تقدم لأمريكا + 4000 Gummy Bears

'Mistreated' Americans Win $400 Million Settlement Against Iraq

ravaged Iraq has agreed to pay $400 million to a group of Americans who say they were traumatized or tortured during Saddam Hussein's rule after the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. What's so unfair about that? Oh, right. An agreement was signed last week that would settle up to eight groups of claims against Iraq, and help lift decades-old UN sanctions. Meanwhile, Iraqis barely have electricity, are still fighting an insurgency, and, frankly, the country is a little strapped for cash these days. So where will this money come from, and who will get it?

The claims include compensation for emotional distress from the children of two contractors seized near the Iraq-Kuwait border in 1990, Americans held as human shields in an effort to prevent a US attack, and the case of CBS News reporter Bob Simon and his cameraman who were held after being arrested along the border with Kuwait.

The money comes out of a roughly $900 million fund in frozen assets held by the US government to settle unresolved contracts under the Oil for Food program.

The claimants included an American boy who was seen frozen-looking on Iraqi television while Saddam Hussein asked him if he'd enjoyed his breakfast after he and his family were prevented from leaving the country.

American citizens can sue Iraq for being mistreated and asked about breakfast 20 years ago under Saddam Hussein because we have great lawyers here and because we're America, dammit. The odds of millions of Iraqis traumatized by the US invasion of their country being able to sue the United States? Yeah.

الحكومة العراقية تدفع 400 مليون دولار تعويضات لعوائل امريكية لتأثرهم نفسيا باجتياح الكويت عام 1990
الجمعة, 10 أيلول - سبتمبر 2010 
ذكرت صحيفة كريستيان ساينس مونيتور الأمريكية ان العراق وافق على دفع 400 مليون دولار كتعويض لمواطنين امريكيين قالوا انهم تاثروا نفسيا وعانوا بشدة جراء غزو العراق للكويت عام 1990 . واضافت الصحيفة ان التعويض جاء بسبب دعاوى قضائية تضمنت طلب تعويضات عن الضرر النفسي الذي لحق باطفال مقاولين امريكان احتجزوا بالقرب من الحدود العراقية الكويتية في عام 1990 وعوائل امريكية الذين احتجزوا كدروع بشرية لمنع الهجمات الامريكية ضد العراق وقضية بوب سيمون مراسل شبكة سي بي اس ومصور الشبكة الذين احتجزوا عقب القبض عليهم على الحدود مع الكويت . ورات الصحيفة ان تسوية الدعاوي القضائية التي اقامها مواطنون امريكيون كان دائما ينظر اليها باعتبارها متطلب اساسي لواشنطن من اجل دفع مسالة انهاء العقوبات على العراق داخل الامم المتحدة.

فمن سيعوض عائلات 400 شهيد بين طفل ورجل وامرأة سقطوا شهداء في قصف ملجأ العامرية 1991 ؟

مبروك جالك دُب 
وصلت الى العراق شحنة من 4000 كيس حلويات الدب الجيلاتيني لبناء علاقات قوية بين القوات الامريكية واطفال العراق.
حصل الأمر حين كانت كمبرلي مورفي وهي عضوة شيء اسمه الفرقة الامريكية american legion في زيارة الى احد المحلات اثناء اجازتها ، وفي حين كانت تثرثر مع امها حول سباق حديث اشتركت فيه لجمع تبرعات لشراء بطاقات شحن للهواتف النقالة لارسالها الى الجنود في العراق ، سمعها صاحب المحل وسألها "هل تقومون بهذا الشيء؟" وعرض عليها اخذ 400 كيس فيها الدببة الجيلاتينية . ويبدو انها كانت بقية طلبية تركت في المحل ، .وقد شارك متبرعون في رزم الحلويات وارسالها الى العراق.

وقد استلمها الجنود ووزعت في مناسبات عديدة على الأطفال في العراق.
تعليق: بغض النظر عن خطر هذا النوع من الحلويات على الأطفال سواء بسبب الالوان الصناعية او بسبب مادة الجيلاتين المستخدمة ، لا ادري لماذا تعتقد قوات الاحتلال أنه من المناسب قتل الآباء والأمهات وتهديم المنازل على رؤوس سكانها ، وتدمير البنى التحتية في البلاد و نشر الامراض والجوع والفقر والخوف ، ثم بعد كل هذا شراء حب أطفال العراق بالجيلاتين الملون ! أية عقلية مريضة هذه ؟!

Legion sends yummies to Iraq

American Legion Post 17 Cmdr. Thomas C. Kelly, left,
 Irving Laycock and others pack
Gummy Bears for shipment to Iraq.
 Photo | American Legion Post 17
The sticky sweets arrived at Post 17 from Terre Haute, Ind., this summer, where local Legion member Kimberly Murphy visited a CVS store while vacationing.
"While chattering away with my mom about a recent poker run that we had participated in, to raise money for phone cards to send to troops serving in Iraq, the manager spoke up...'Oh do you do that?' " Murphy said.
The CVS manager offered her the 4,000 bags of Gummy Bears.
"Apparently they had taken up some sort of a collection for something else and they had these left over," Murphy said. "My response was, 'Are you serious; that would be great.' "
Murphy had flown to Terre Haute and couldn't get the mountain of confections home.
"But my dad was coming down the week after I got home, so he brought them down," said Murphy, who served in the Army at Fort Jackson, S.C., during the early 1980s.
At Post 17, Cmdr. Thomas C. Kelly said Legionnaires, auxiliary members and Sons of the American Legion pitched in. Efforts included a cash donation for shipping from the Politis Law Firm of Port Orange.
"All I needed to do was call a few people, and they liked the idea so much it went in the right direction," Kelly said.
Volunteers turned up to pack, including longtime New Smyrna Beach resident U.S. Rep. Suzanne Kosmas.
"It was especially heartwarming to see young people and their parents who are making a tangible contribution to the well-being and appreciation of our troops," Kosmas said. "The kids were having a real good time, making up songs and poems and enjoying knowing they would get to our war-fighters on the other end."
Legion member Jules Bunel of New Smyrna Beach helped.
"It gave me a sense of something positive that we were able to take part in," Bunel said. "I felt proud we were doing something for troops in harm's way."
"One member had a friend who was a colonel in Vietnam and the daughter was in Iraq," Kelly said.
Army 1st Sgt. Mary D. Hampton of Army Alpha Company, out of the Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C., serving in Iraq, said she would take delivery.
"Our mission is to support the First Advise and Assist Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division with all classes of supply and the distribution across main and alternate supply lines," Hampton said via e-mail. "My soldiers receive and load all supplies such as water, fuel, food, ice, medical equipment, ammunition and repair parts. We secure our own convoys and deliver to the smaller bases throughout the Baghdad Province."
She agreed to get the candy on a convoy heading for distribution to Iraqi children as part of a medical mission.
"The Gummy Bears were handed out to the Iraqis at a few different events," Hampton said.
On one humanitarian assistance mission, "take away bags" included toys, school supplies, clothing and the candies, she said. Another event was a Civil Medical Engagement, where medical aid and preventive medicine guidance and assistance was offered, and the candy was given away to the patients.

هناك 5 تعليقات:

  1. مهلا ، حاولت أن البريد الإلكتروني الذي المتعلقة لهذا المنصب لكن ارين؟ تي قادرة على الوصول إليك. يرجى البريد الالكتروني لي عندما تحصل على لحظة. شكرا.

  2. hey this is my email
    thank you

  3. شكرا لهذا المنصب مفيدة! لم أكن قد حصلت على هذا خلاف ذلك!

  4. حقا مثل تصميم الرسومات والملاحة للموقع ، وسهل على العيون ومحتوى جيد. مواقع أخرى ليست سوى وسيلة تفيض جدا مع يضيف



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